*NEW Self-Talk with Dr. Mitch

Just incase you wonder what Mitch is talking about at the very beginning – because of some tech issues we trimmed 5 minsย  off of the beginning whilst Mitch was figuring it out. #sillymitch lol

Ok, grab your pen and journals and let’s learn.

Pre practice encouragement, body gratitude, breathe, mobility, goals & intentions!

In this class I encourage body gratitude, acceptance, we do the cyclic breath for calm and focus as well as a full body mobility sequence, then we set a goal and intention for the day or dance class. A nice little boost I hope! It can be easy to get swept up in the challenges that dance can bring, this class might help you to shift perspective a little and bring you back to a place of kindness towards yourself and gratitude. I hope the poem shared, my thoughts and insights as well as the movement piece are good to you. As always, I am interested in your thoughts and feedback ๐Ÿ™‚

Yoga blocks might come in handy and a yoga mat. Feel free to spend more time in any particular movement given if you wish.

Enjoy it!

10 tips of Christmas. Tip 3 with Dr Mitch. Reflection.

A wonderful time of year to reflect. Dr Mitch will guide you through his first of 2 performance psychology tips this December. Looking at our year, reflecting, taking the lessons learned before we move forward and set new goals.