One of my favourite ways to dynamically stretch the muscles responsible for lovely Cuts. go with 10-20 repetitions. As always listen to your body and what it needs.
Movement prep: Knees to chest
A great way to activate and mobilise those hip flexors as well as firing up the whole core area!
Movement prep- Glute activation
I believe all dancers should have some glute activation included in their warm up after raising the heart rate pop these into your routine and prepare those hips!
Warm up – Raise – Single leg hop
Complete for the length of a room on each foot or 30 seconds each foot. Warming up those feet n ankles.
Warm up – Raise – In out jack
Another fun way to raise the heart rate for dance. 30-45 seconds.
Warm up – Raise – C skips
Raise the heart rate with C skips. For the length of a room and back or 30-60 seconds
Warm up – Raise – A skips
Raising the heart rate with A skips – Length of a room or 30 seconds.
Cool down for home or class
Take between 10-15 mins to calm that mind body at the end of practice and training
Pre performance routine part 2
Chloey will discuss her tips and tricks for a well rounded routine x
Pre performance routine workshop part 1
Part one of our pre performance workshop on why a pre performance routine can keep a dancer calm and focused.